July 1st - 2005: We are nearly ready to re-launch HPWeb. Just a few more days now! I would like to apologize for how awful this site currently is. I hadn't realised how many broken hyperlinks there are - it's amazing that there's anything online at all - it's dreadful, I'm so sorry. it was the first site I ever built, and I hope you'll agree when we re-vamp that the new site is far, far better - in fact, I'm rather proud of it if I do say so myself! all the special features and info currently on this site (whether the hyperlink worked or not - lol!), will still be on the new site, but in the new format, which is a big improvement!
If you have any comments or ideas for the new HPWeb, don't hesitate to contact us. You will be credited with your ideas (and given a hyperlink to your site if you have one) in our Hall of Fame (which is actually hyperlinked this time - lol!).
See you all soon on our brand new site. Cookie -x-
Please explore our site, and tell us what you think!
This site is currently on hiatus. I simply haven't had a chance to update, and I'm really sorry. However, please continue to look at what we have, and we'll try and get around to it asap! It is currently being re-built with a new design. I have help from a new web assistant to keep it up-to-date.
Everything that is here (or not here because for some reason it never got linked - hec hem) will be on the new site, and some new features too. I have some thoughts in mind, but if you would be interested in helping to re-make this site then please e-mail me here! I very much want this to be your HP site. There are so many fansites, and they're all the same. I don't want this site to be so much about the books or the films as about the fans.
The first pictures from Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban are here. What do you think? Does it live up to expectations? And how about the costumes? We want to know what you think! Tell us here!
All our PoA stuff in one place!
READ THIS: Goblet of Fire hopefuls can apply from 2004
Cho Chang 'won't be in third Potter movie'
Your comments - Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Arachnid Web -x-
Cookie -x-
hpweb01.tripod.com/ is part of the arachnid web web-link.