Tell us what you think about our web site . We welcome all of your comments and suggestions, and will try to use them effectively to improve the site. Thanks!
VERY IMPORTANT: Hello. This is Arachnid, webmistress of HPWeb. Thank you for using our feedback form. however, this feature doesn't appear to be working; it's just e-mailling me a load of jibberish! If the comment concerned the lack of info and working links on HPWeb, I can tell you that this is all soon to change. I have taken on new help to update HPWeb specifically, and aam currently designing and building a new layout for the site. Please e-mail your comments direct to me at with any comments or ideas that you have for the site (including any you wrote on the form!). Yours, Arachnid Web, webmistress. If you would like to receive free e-mail updates from the Arachnid Weblink, please e-mail me! To visit the Arachnid Weblink, click here . |
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